Alex Spreier on the “Soft” Skills in Martial Arts

We often have friends that are just easy to promote–Alex is such a friend. His blog is excellent, but this piece on the so-called “soft skills” so important in martial arts and too rarely discussed is the best I think I’ve yet read on the topic. There is a lot of psychology, study of social dynamics, and anecdotal evidence that can make the discussion of how to deescalate a situation, how to be situationally aware, and how to avoid trouble, but few talk about the other side of this.

If you’ve had the misfortune to experience acute hyper-awareness and/or paranoia; if you’ve experienced the mental, physical, and emotional after-effects of an adrenaline rush; and if you’ve never entered a building, street, or situation without assessing those present, escape avenues, and what might make a decent improvised weapon, then read Alex’s post. As he says,

Well said Alex!